Faysal Islami Muntazim Savings Account – Monthly

Faysal Islami Muntazim Savings Account provides the comfort of saving, in accordance to with Islamic principles, enjoying Halal returns and managing your day to day banking transaction needs with ease. Faysal Islamic Muntazim Saving Accounts is opened on the basis of “Mudarabah”, where Faysal Islamic Banking is the “Mudarib” (manager of the funds) and you, the customers are the “Rabb-ul-Maal” (owner of funds/depositor). These deposits are deployed in Shariah compliant modes such as Ijarah, Murabaha, Musharakah, Istisna, Musawamah etc. The return on your investment/deposit will be determined through a Shariah approved mechanism for calculation of weightages which will be announced at the beginning of each calendar month and shall be applicable for that month only. Faysal Islamic Muntazim saving deposits will share in the profit earned through different Islamic modes of financing. Losses, if any, will be shared in the proportion of investment by each depositor.

Faysal Islami Muntazim Savings Account – Monthly Test
  • Step 1
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  • Step 3